MONDAY is the DAY!!
After 369 days of being in the China's Adoption system, we will finally get our first glimpse of our sweet little one. The plan for the day is that our referrals will arrive in St. Louis on Monday, the China team will process them, and will scan and e-mail a smaller portion to our branch office in Kansas City. They will then call us with the information and e-mail us a small picture. This information will contain, her Chinese name, her date of birth, where she is at now (orphanage or foster care) how big she is and hopefully a little about her personality. Then on Tuesday, UPS will "deliver" our package to us. This will have more pictures, more information, health information, and hopefully a little about her history!
We are thrilled beyond words!
I have thought about her so much these past 24 hours! I have visualized her in her crib, in the watermelon dress, giving her a bath, maybe putting her hair in a barrett, if not that than in a head band, picturing Kip loving a little girl, holding his daughter. Saying daughter. The boys having a sister. WOW! So many fun and amazing things are coming to the Crawford House! Thanks for being along side us! Looking forward to Monday!
I will tell of the kindness of the Lord, the deeds for which he is to be praised, according to all the Lord has done for us- yes, the many good things he has done for the House of Israel, according to his compassion and many kindness.
Isaiah 63:7
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