Getting Practice!
3 Boys and 1 Ladybug
As you all know we have the sweetest neighbors. Jim and Terri and Baby Clara. They are great neighbors. Well, yesterday Terri came down so I could cut her hair and of course had baby Clara with her. The boys are always so excited to see her and they always want to hold her. Whenever they see them at the door, all three of them rush to wash their hands and sit on the couch and wait to hold her. They all take turns and just love her so much. Well, since we were doing a pretty "major" cut with Terri's hair, it took a while. So, the boys took over as care givers. It was so cute! They used "hushed" voices and were so very gentle! It was so great to watch them tenderly care for her. At separate points of the day the each said how excited they were for our baby to come! They are so excited for her. Tanner wants her to be as small as baby Clara so he can hold her for a long time. I have wondered how we will transistion with this new little one, and I am trusting God that He is already starting on our hearts.We have been very thankful for this family of 5 and the moments that we still have as just the 5 of us. God has been so good to us. Words fall short in trying to explain what the boys and Kip mean to me. I have always wanted to be a mom and wife, no need for titles or initials before or behind my name. Wife and Mom suit me just fine. Looking forward to the near future, our family portrait will change just a little with this sweet little addition and truthfully we are all so excited.
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