
Friday, June 16, 2006

Rumors! Rumors! And MORE Rumors!

3 Boys and 1 Ladybug
The anxiety and hype has escalated much during this very long week. I am a part of a wonderful on-line yahoo support group called the June Jitterbugs. The members of this group have all sent their dossiers to China in June of 2005. Some already have their babies, some already have their referrals and are waiting to travel, and some are waiting and hanging on to every rumor and whisper of a hope that we may be next! I happen to fall in the still waiting category. It has been such a joy following the journeys of families to China, I have learned a lot! Watching referrals come in has been so exciting! And waiting has been daunting... To say the least. Honestly, I thought this season would look different but God saw fit to make it what it is today. It is a good place really, we have reevaluated a lot of things and are hopeful for our future. Just because things get tough, that is not permission to quit. It also doesn't mean that God has changed his mind either. When He SPOKE to our hearts on that February night, we knew we had heard from the Lord and He was directing our paths. He knew what our March would look like, our June and our futures. HE is in control, we are not. We have had to step back and wait on God for direction, we felt it, we listened and we have obediently stepped out in faith. Now Faith is being sure of what you hope and certain of what you don not see. Hebrews 11:1 More than ever this journey has called for more faith than what we thought we had in us, but with God ALL things are possible(Philippians 4:13). I wonder how many times I have given up because it looked to scary or circumstances turned out differently than I expected. I want to finish strong now, and in the future. I don't want to shrink back and live in fear. But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back I will not be pleased with him. But we are not one of those who shrink back and are destroyed but of those who believe and are saved. Hebrews 10:39 So anonymous, I thank you for your concern but you missed the mark and the truth. If you feel like leaving your name next time, I would welcome any further comments.
So, we wait.... I have heard maybe this weekend, maybe Monday, maybe by the end if the month. So, until then we are enjoying our Summer, the pool, friends and family! I hope hoping for a great Father's Day present, though!


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