Travel Dates are OFFICIAL!!
Well it is official! We are leaving for China! After all this time.... over 1 year of waiting..........praying.............waiting........we leave in 8 days. We received Tatumn's airline tickets yesterday. They are addressed to Miss Chen Jun De. Too cute. So it's official.
To be really honest, I really want to fast forward and be back home. All of us back together, Tatumn finally in her forever home. Leaving the boys is tough already. I keep reminding them and myself that this will all work out, it will be good. But you know, there is no easy way to leave your children at home and be gone for 2 weeks. I am so thankful that I have such a supportive family and a circle of firends that are willing to help out and be there. I am looking forward to seeing their faces when we land on the 31st!
Just an FYI-we will be posting on while we are in China. I will try and post the address again before we leave. All you do when you log on to that page, is go to public journals and then click on Journey to Tatumn.
We will be leaving for China on Thrsday August 17th, arrive in Beijing on Friday August 18th, 9:00 PM. Tour Beijing on Saturday and then fly to her Province on Sunday. Our GOTCHA DAY will be either Sunday or Monday. I will list our full itenerary as soon as I get it.
Well friends, I would truly covet your prayers from now until we get home especially. Please pray for the boys that they would handle us leaving and the transistion. Please pray for Safe travel to CHina, all thorugh China, and back home. Please pray for Tatumn. Pray that we would know how to love her and comfort her while she is greiving. That we would bond quickly. Thank you in advance!
Better get packing!
I know exactly how you feel about leaving the boys. Take it from me, they will be fine. My boys were so busy that they hardly knew we were gone. I think I missed them more than they missed me. Make sure you get a panda phone and call them. My boys loved the time difference. Trevor still ask what time it is in China. Go with an open mind and enjoy your trip. The boys will be fine, I promise. I will be following your journey.
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