Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Wednesday, August 16, 2006

We will be posting on . Please follow us as we journey to China, fall in love with our daughter and travel back home to our boys and a family of 6! Praying that God will go and blaze a mighty path before us and also be our rear guard. Thank you for journeying with us in your prayers, support, and love! We can't wait to introduce you to our Tatumn Hope.
In Him, Kip and Steph
Friday, August 11, 2006
Packing Surprises!
Oh if only I could take all of the boys! But leaving this little one is tearing my heart out. Last night (and really all day yesterday), I tried to get all of Tatumn's things together and packed. With all of the new restrictions, I needed to rethink my strategy for carry on items. Taylor was gone for the day, Tanner was busy doing his own thing, but Tucker was my shadow. Tanner did come in and check things out but Tucker stayed by my side asking lots of questions. And honestly, crying some tears. I tried my best to reassure him that we would be home before he knew it, he would be too excited meeting his friends back up at school that he wouldn't even miss us. I think we both knew that I was pulling out all the stops to make it better for both of us. Yes, it will be tough not kissing the boys before they leave for school and tucking them in at night, watching Taylor come off the bus, hearing Tanner's tales about the day, and having Tucker hug my neck so tight! I have heard from another mom to three boys and she assured me that I will miss the boys more than they will miss me. I think the anticipation is worse than the actual departure. Please keep us in your prayers, I think we will need them!
So, back to packing. Miss Tatumn's things have taken up an entire suitcase! WHOA! For such a tiny thing, she takes up a lot of room! And you want to know the funny thing....it's KIPS suitcase! I hope he is packing light! Really, we have mapped out a strategy and we think we will be all right! The liquid thing has me a little nervous, I am just glad we knew about it before hand. Did you notice all of the things people had to throw away? EEK! That would not have been good. Well, we are still packing. But now we are making some serious progress!
Packing, Stephanie
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Travel Dates are OFFICIAL!!

Well it is official! We are leaving for China! After all this time.... over 1 year of waiting..........praying.............waiting........we leave in 8 days. We received Tatumn's airline tickets yesterday. They are addressed to Miss Chen Jun De. Too cute. So it's official.
To be really honest, I really want to fast forward and be back home. All of us back together, Tatumn finally in her forever home. Leaving the boys is tough already. I keep reminding them and myself that this will all work out, it will be good. But you know, there is no easy way to leave your children at home and be gone for 2 weeks. I am so thankful that I have such a supportive family and a circle of firends that are willing to help out and be there. I am looking forward to seeing their faces when we land on the 31st!
Just an FYI-we will be posting on www.journeytome.com while we are in China. I will try and post the address again before we leave. All you do when you log on to that page, is go to public journals and then click on Journey to Tatumn.
We will be leaving for China on Thrsday August 17th, arrive in Beijing on Friday August 18th, 9:00 PM. Tour Beijing on Saturday and then fly to her Province on Sunday. Our GOTCHA DAY will be either Sunday or Monday. I will list our full itenerary as soon as I get it.
Well friends, I would truly covet your prayers from now until we get home especially. Please pray for the boys that they would handle us leaving and the transistion. Please pray for Safe travel to CHina, all thorugh China, and back home. Please pray for Tatumn. Pray that we would know how to love her and comfort her while she is greiving. That we would bond quickly. Thank you in advance!
Better get packing!
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Tatumn Hope is growing!!!

Yesterday we received a growth update on Tatumn. Her first medical examination was in April and at that time she was 25 inches long and she is now 28 inches long. She weighed 13.6 lbs and she now weighs 16.4 lbs. Her little foot is 4.2 inches long. And this is the real kicker........ she has 4 TEETH!!!I know we were shocked too! I am so thrilled that she is growing, although she is still a little peanut!, and I am so grateful that she is getting good enough nourishment but I am missing out on some important firsts. I am thankful that the Lord has stood near, and He has not missed a single first. In fact He has ordained them all. Her first breath, her first tear, even the first beat of her little heart! And about the pictures.... I think that the Lord must want to do the unveiling right before our very eyes! That day is drawing so close, I am ready Lord!
One more thing..... our tickets were bought and secured TODAY!!! And we leave 2 weeks from TODAY!!! I cannot wrap my head around the fact that in 2 weeks we will be on a plane bound for our daughter's homeland. What started out as only a whisper to my heart, to dreams and prayers, then evolved to paper work and notaries, to a moment that God got our attention and we wrestled the thing out, to referral pictures, showers, prayers, and travel! Amazing! And truly the journey has just begun!
Packing, Steph
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Family and Friends Shower on Sunday!
Yes! I was completely spoiled this weekend from the people that I love most! On Sunday, my mom and sisters hosted a shower at their house! It was great! All of my Aunts were there! I love each one of them so much! Kips mom and sister and Tatumn's little cousin Lexi, too. By the Grace of God Tatumn and Lexi are only 2 weeks apart. These two little girls get to grow up together! How great is that!My mom and sister have worked at Curves for forever and even some of the ladies from Curves came to help us celebrate! Tatumn received a workout outfit for her visit to Curves, so she will be ready to hit the circuit! New friends and first friends were there to help us celebrate Tatumn's life!
The food was wonderful, the friendship was sweet,and the blessings meant so much! The cake had Tatumn's little picture on it ( I love looking at that sweet little face!) and this verse Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you, not to harm you. Plans to give you a Hope and a future. My prayer is that Tatumn will come to trust that verse with her whole heart. I hope that she transistions perfectly into a Crawford and knows that this was Gods plan, the Best plan. It was a plan of purpose, a plan of joyful expectation, only for her good. Isn't God so Good!
Waiting to bring the Newest Crawford Home, Stephanie
Pictures from my Shower!

For some reason I cannot add pictures and the post at the same time! These pictures were from the shower that Jennifer and Ally had in honor of Tatumn on Saturday! My favorite is the one were everyone is praying! That was the sweetest moment. Being back, all together with this group and calling out to the Creator to watch over Tatumn, thanking Him for her little life, asking Him to give peace to Tatumn's birth givers, and for safety for travel. The Word says when two or more are gathered in MY name, I will be there also. I think the Lord enjoys baby showers, don't you?